Art Works! is a 20 minute promotional film produced by Metroglobe Productions and The New Santa Barbara Image Factory — an Arts Cooperative set up by Metroglobe Productions for participation in California’s vibrant arts community.
The story begins when the California Arts Commission (CAC) created the California Creative Corps (CCC) with a $60 million grant designed to put artists across California back to work after the Covid pandemic.
Six counties on the Central Coast of California saw an opportunity — they applied and won a grant for $5.9 million to establish a new coalition called the Central Coast Creative Corps, charged with regranting that money to local agencies and non-profits who would partner with local artists and start solving various social problems.
In June of 2024, the Central Coast Creative Corps (CCCC) conducted an open search for a “regional videographer” who would travel the six county Central Coast Region (Ventura, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, San Benito, Monterey and Santa Cruz counties) and get the story of this grant program straight from the artists and organizers who made it happen.
Metroglobe and The New Santa Barbara Image Factory won the contract, and so the adventure began.
Our job at Metroglobe Prodictions was to make things happen — to get out on the road, meet selected grant recipients, interview the artists and organizers, and help them tell the story of the newly founded Central Coast Creative Corps [].
We were given one week for preproduction, ten days of shooting, and ten days to edit the film.
We are happy to present Art Works! The Story of California’s Central Coast Creative Corps